You Bought The Perfect White Dress! Now What?! April 28 2016

You found the absolute PERFECT little white dress for this year!
Yay you!
Hmmmm.... how are you supposed to wear it without looking like a bride or a 5 year old?
Let me tell you how!
You bought...
A Victorian Inspired Dress:
DO ~ Show lots of leg because a modest dress on the top benefits from some leggy reveal.
DO ~ Show lots of leg because a modest dress on the top benefits from some leggy reveal.
DON'T ~ Wear too high of a heel. It will conflict with the Victorian essence of the dress. Instead, choose a lower block heal or flat in a neutral shade for the modern edge.
An Off The Shoulder Dress:
DO ~ Accentuate this style's flirtatious look by adding high heels!
DON'T ~ Overwhelm the neckline with busy jewelry, glowing bare skin makes a much stronger statement.
A Sheer Dress:
DO ~ Be brave and reveal as much as you are comfortable with, wearing a shorter white slip underneath or for the bold, some sassy lingerie!
DON'T ~ Overwhelm the light airy feeling of the dress by covering it with heavy layers. Stick to a white or neutral palette.
A Baby Doll Dress:
DO ~ Layer delicate pieces of jewelry. Throw a cropped or fitted denim jacket over it for a fresh Summer look!
DON'T ~ Go without some form of jewelry... people may assume you're walking around in you nightwear!